Homepage: https://www.abylonsoft.com/wlan-live-scanner/

If you do not have an Internet flatrate, searching for a free hotspot or public Internet access outside your own four walls can be time-consuming and annoying. The Windows functionality is far too sluggish and quickly becomes confusing due to the intermediate storage of wireless networks. The software abylon WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER checks at regular intervals for real available Wi-Fi networks and lists them in a clear tree structure. In addition to the network name (SSID), the connection status, network type, encryption algorithm and signal strength in percent are also displayed. Starting with Windows Vista, the connection to the selected network is established if the access is free, public or already known. The software abylon WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER also takes over the individual PC settings, if these are necessary. This allows even technically less experienced users in a foreign city to connect to the Internet.

Download: https://filepost.it/abylonsoft.com/wlanscanner2023_bdj.exe
Name or CD-key: ### ONLY-PRIVATE-USE-BDJ2023 ###
Registry key: ### 00EN-67CA7553-C0C9FEB049-K22W9 ###


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