Steganos Safe 22


Personal data should never fall into the hands of unauthorized persons. A motto that has always been true and has become increasingly important online, especially in recent years. We spend more and more time in the digital world. We upload files to portals and our accounts, download images for inspiration and important documents for research. The daily exchange of data is immense, and so data protection on the web is also steadily gaining in importance.

What used to be stored in folders, in files or in archives now has turned into digital files on PCs, laptops or smartphones. However, anyone who is permanently connected to the internet at many different, sometimes public, locations also risks unintentional data theft. This is similar to what can happen with physical valuables, for example, in a hotel or vacation home. Do you keep your valuables in a safe there? Then you should do the same with documents, personal records or bank data in the digital realm.

In addition, some also prefer to store their sensitive data on storage media, such as USB sticks or hard drives, for security. These backups can prevent accidental deletion, but as soon as the storage medium is connected to a device with an internet connection, data theft and espionage are possible again.

With Steganos Data Safe, you can set up a digital data safe in no time at all and keep all your documents there safely. Thanks to highly secure encryption and two-factor authentication of your various safes, thieves and snoops have no access whatsoever. Only you can access your archived documents. Security the way it should be.

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